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This function requires KanoaOPS module


Returns colors for OEE, Availability, Performance, and Quality based on the asset and OEE values.


getOEEColors(paramsDict, oee, availability, performance, quality)
  • Parameters
      paramsDict (dict) - Dictionary, e.g., {'assetId': 18} or {'assetPath': 'Kanoa Industries\Adelaide Hills\Packaging\Line 1'}.
      oee (float) - OEE value.
      availability (float) - Availability value.
      performance (float) - Performance value.
      quality (float) - Quality value.
  • Returns
    oeeColor, aColor, pColor, qColor (tuple of string values for colors).
  • Code Example

    # Example Usage:
    colors = system.kanoa.event.getOEEColors(paramsDict={'assetId': 18}, oee=80.0, availability=90.0, performance=85.0, quality=95.0)